June Friedman
Without You
You have left us in the prime of your life
Facing for many months the unavoidable
In terrible suffering and pain
Bravely watching the days slip away
One by one...
You left us alone and brokenhearted
With an eternal longing of unfulfilled dreams
For the things that used to be
Things that could have been
But will never be again
They say that life goes on
As it must - for the living
Even though it is sometimes too difficult to go on
Because of the profound void in our lives
Which nothing and no one can fill
Holidays and seasons come and go
Only now without you in our midst
Today is Thanksgiving Day
Families gather everywhere
Once a holiday welcome blessing in our house
Because it brought us all together
Now, it's only a sad reminder
I used to cook and bake for hours
Looking forward with pleasure to the festivities
Waiting impatiently for your arrival
To bring with you a breath of fresh air
Your ever present sense of humor
Vitality and gladness
You have always praised my dishes
But before we could enjoy the moment
You were gone again
Being always so busy
Now your chair stays empty and you are missing forever
From our lives and from our table
All is left is that empty chair
And the emptiness in our heart
Once life used to be an adventure
Full of joyful events
Now life has no real meaning
Days are filled with sadness, mourning and anguish
We live with memories that passed us by
Life has lost its charm and splendor
Without you and your liveliness
All we have is an existence
And even when something good comes our way
You are not here to share it with us anymore
Bitter-sweet memories of you are always with us
But instead of your presence
Sorrow and tears are now permanent visitors in our home
Instead of you
Cold tombstone
Now has to replace you
Doris of blessed memory
with Dave
June Friedman: Under Providential Guidance June Friedman: „POD OPIEKĄ OPATRZNOŚCI”
June Friedman:
June Friedman: My Life - in Passports | June Friedman: Paszporty i Moje Zycie...
June Friedman: among the Souvenirs (a Poem for Max)
June Friedman: Translation of Halina Birenbaum's Poems Book: Sounds of a Guilty Silence
Last updated September 14th, 2006