We Remember the Blicblau Family from Zdunska Wola!
The BLICBLAU family 1928: All perished in the holocaust ( details not clear) except for Natan (Nachma) Blicblau, the little boy in white shirt - Aaron's father. He died 29 January 1999, 12 Shvat, blessed be his memory.
The BLICBLAU family 1928, comprising of Mother and Father, six boys and wife of one of the boys :
Back Row: L-R Itzhak, Mindel (married to ) Laib, Hirsz-Yankev
Middle Row: L-R Daneal, Shprintze (mother of the boys), Shimon (Father of the boys) Jehuda
Front Row: Nachma (Nathan aged 8 years) , born 1920 and the only survivor.
Submitted by Aaron Blicblau Dec 1999.
On 26 July 1999, after I posted an index to the book : "And I Still See Their Faces..." Aaron Blicblau wrote about this photograph number 100:
What a great surprise.
Photo number 6 is of my FATHER at the age of 6 and his parents (my grandparents) my
fater's brothehs and a sister-in law.
My father received the photo in 1992 and he has an enlargement as well as me on the longe room wall.
At last my father'family is remembered - they are not in the ZW book.
I will tell you as many names as I can in the next few days, when I ask some of the ZW survivors in Melbourne.
Other Photographs from Zdunska Wola in the Book " And I Still See Their Faces"
Daniel Wagner: Pictures And Photographs: Do You Recognize Them ?