Halina Birenbaum
of a
"Gefilte Fysz"
I am preparing Gefilte Fysz"
sweet stuffed fish cooked by Polish Jews
(Mocked -often by us)
the wonderful aroma is spreading all around
thoughts about far away home
impatiently waittng
for the well known taste
will I be able to achieve it?
suddenly a picture flashed before my eyes Mom sitting on a small stool
across a higher stool
chopping on a thick board with a cleaver
the pulp of the fish
turning it over again and again
till she was worn out
with patience, with knowledge
her hands are nimble, concentrating on her work
she does not dare to grind it in a mincer
so it would not blacken
I see her clear now
through a fog of terrible distances
again so near, close to me
a smile of indulgence and forgiveness on her lips
for the way I am trying to imitate her
the easy way, worthy of reprimand
with a help of an electric mixer! -
and she is smiling
to me or maybe to herself
with a mother's wonderful tenderness
with some astonishment or a tinge of pride
that I am already mature, grown
preparing fish for my family for holidays
a girl
from whom she was torn away
on the threshold of an extermination camp